Singing Guide: Jake Owen

Singing Guide: Jake Owen

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you want to learn how to sing like Jake Owen, you must first understand the country singer's unique vocal technique and style. Jake's voice has a soft, airy tone with a hint of twang that is unmistakably country.

One of the key factors that define Jake's voice is his use of twang. Twang is a technique where the pharynx or tongue is narrowed, which creates a sound that is bright and nasal. To develop your twang, check out this exercise from Singing Carrots. Practice this regularly, and you will develop the same bright and nasal quality that is a hallmark of Jake Owen's voice.

Another essential aspect of Jake's singing is his use of vocal fry. Vocal fry is a technique where you shift the voice to a lower register and then engage the vocal cords in a way that creates a crackling or creaking sound. This technique gives Jake's voice a gritty quality that makes it stand out. Check out this video from Singing Carrots to learn how to use mixed voice and engage the vocal fry.

To sound like Jake Owen, you need to have good breath support and diaphragm control. Proper breathing will help you sustain those long, slow country ballads that Jake is famous for like "What We Ain't Got" and "If He Ain't Gonna Love You." Singing Carrots' Farinelli Breathing exercise can help you with diaphragmatic control and breathing techniques.

One technique that Jake Owen uses a lot while singing is vocal vibrato. Vibrato is an essential tool for a singer, and it is what gives the voice a rich and warm quality. Jake is known for using this technique to great effect in songs like "Barefoot Blue Jean Night" and "Alone with You." Check out Singing Carrots Beggars Bounce and Diaphragm Bounce videos to get the vibrato technique right.

To find out more about how Jake Owen sings and the techniques he uses, check out the following articles on Singing Carrots:

In conclusion, to sing like Jake Owen, you need to master the unique vocal techniques and style that he uses. Remember to practice regularly and consistently, engage your twang, control your diaphragm and use vocal fry, and use vibrato. Keep these factors in mind, and you will be well on your way to singing country music just like Jake Owen.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.